Home/Wellness/Social Service
To me, music is more than an art form—it is a bridge for healing, unity, and change.
The Social Causes that I support, range from- Female Empowerment, providing food ration to the needy, to sponsoring value based education and mentoring the youth, supporting underprivileged folk, classical & tribal art forms thereby propating Indian Culture and heritage and inculcating respect for the environment & sustainability efforts. I'm also a brand ambassador of Beti Padhao Beti Bachao and have taken several initiatives to spread awareness both through the anthem of female empowerment that I created for the ministry of woman and child & performed across the country to sensitise rural and urban parents, about the need to educate their girls and give them equal opportunity to grow.
To further motivate and recognise women involved in music, dance and social work, my foundation Anuradha Pal Cultural Foundation APCF(APCF) instituted the 'Padmashri M.T Vyas Stree Shakti' award in 2020. Some of our awardees include a folk singer, environmentalist working to uplift slums, a cancer survivor Kathak dancer who is motivating others with hope, to name a few from across the country.. Our Wellness inititaves like 'Positive Weekends' and 'Workshops of Wellness' have already benefiited thousands of families, youth, elderly and those struggling with depression in all sections of society, using the therapeutic magic of music.
This journey is incomplete without your support and participation. Donations are Tax free. Details on APCF
Pls Send Mail to volunteer/ donate and be a part of the change you want to see in society..
Supporting marginalised communities during Covid Pandemic
Female Empowerment initiatives
To contribute to our social causes, please email apcf.india@gmail.com
During the pandemic, APCF:
Mobilised millions to help marginalised Folk, classical, tribal musicians, instrument makers, Puppeteers, Knife jugglers, theatre and karaoke singers, instrumentalists and dancers through direct bank transfers, only after proper due diligence of their financial situation done by Team APCF.
Anuradha Pal is involved in several charity projects and social service in India –
To raise awareness about the total economic breakdown for marginalised
musicians across the country, Anuradha Pal’s organisation Sur aaur Saaz (SAS)
curated & produced the
FIRST EVER Online 4 Day Music Fundraiser festival called Kala Ke Sangh featuring 27 Top
like Bhajan Samrat Anup Jalota, Pt Satish Vyas, Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Sanjeev & Ashwani
to name a few. This festival was shared live on 1st, 2nd, 9th & 15th August, on @SASevents page on
Facebook & Youtube to raise donations from over 1
million followers (including partner pages).
Please subscribe to our YouTube page here.
Heartfelt thanks to all our valued Partners – Blue Cross Labs, Hemendra Kothari Foundation,
Lupisafe Hand Sanitizer, Ministry of Culture, ICCR, Teamwork Arts, Cultre, Artist Aloud, Radio
Mirchi, Business Connect, Wockhardt Foundation, Jalota Welfare foundation, Avid Learning,
Times, Midday, JAJAM Foundation, Kalashraya Artshelter, our very important donors, students of
& supporters across the globe.